Friday, February 26, 2010

Cagege - Caggegi Family History:

Cagege - Caggegi Family History:

Libro d'Oro di Melita - NOMS MALTAIS EN 1421

From the Angara List for the 1480s:

[p.25] The Distribution of Surnames in Malta in 1419 and the 1480s - G. Wettinger

Cagege in 1419 AD: tot. 12 – in 1480 : tot. 4

Calleja /Musta 2, Luca /Farrug 2, Percopu 1, Zurico 1, Leu /Carendi 1,

calleja/Musta 2, Luca/farrug 2, Percopu 1, Zurico 1, Leu/Carendi 1, Rabat 4, Civitas 1
Rabat 3, Civitas 1

Source: Journal of Maltese Studies. 5(1968)(25-48)

Cleric Matteo Cagege
Priests in Malta - 1575 AD

Vincenso Cagege - 1544 AD

Nora d'Armenia, married 1578 (Matro Notary Vincenzo Cagege) to Antonio Grech.

The Royal Descendants of de Lusignan and the Barony of Baccari and Benwarrad

The Barons di Baccari of Malta (d'Armenia sives Darmanin)

The Descendants of the last Kings of Cyprus and Armenia.

The Feudal family of Caggegi / Caggeggi in 1195 AD, made by Bartolomeo de Lucy, the Count of Paterno. Swabian Bartholomew of Luci - Bartolomeo de Luci - Lucy, Seine-Maritime. - Count Roger I of Sicily.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Rus-law U5 halpotype - haploid genotype.

The Rus-law U5 halpotype - haploid genotype.

I've discovered very common links with Rus or Rhos people of Sweden and the U5 halpotype found in Sicily today. I found historical documentation that links the noble family 'Trigona' to ancient Swedish origin. These people were identified as a Germanic tribe called Swedes by the Frankish authorities then - linked to the Swedish coastal area of Roslagen (Rus-law) or Roden.

This discovery ties well with where the U5 halpotype is mostly found today, history in the Mediterranean dating back to the 11th century and our family's mtdna U5a1a results today.

The Roden U5 halpotype - haploid genotype.

Normanist theory: Kievan Rus' U5 halpotype - haploid genotype.

The Roden U5 halpotype - haploid genotype.

The people called Rus in the form of Rhos dates back to year 839 AD - Kievan Rus' U5 halpotype. Linked to the Swedish coastal area of Roslagen (Rus-law) or Roden. Finnish name for Sweden (Ruotsi) is derived from an Old Norse term for "the men who row" (rods-). identified as a Germanic tribe called Swedes by the Frankish authorities.